
Normal immunoglobulin
Statut de médicament essentiel
Description générale
Immunoglobulin therapy, also known as normal human immunoglobulin (NHIG), is the use of a mixture of antibodies (immunoglobulins) to treat primary immunodeficiency and Kawasaki disease.
Codes ATC
Type de médicament
Biological agent
Historique des statuts LME
Ajouté pour la première fois en 1977 (TRS 615) pour Primary immunodeficiencies
Retiré en 2003 (TRS 920) pour Primary immunodeficiencies
Ajouté en 2007 (TRS 946) pour Primary immunodeficiencies
Human immunoglobulins
  • Parenteral > General injections > IV: 5% protein solution; 10% protein solution
  • Parenteral > General injections > IM: 16% protein solution
  • Parenteral > General injections > SC: 15% protein solution; 16% protein solution