
ATC codes: J01DD04
Endophthalmitis ICD11 code: 9C21
Medicine type
Chemical agent
Antibiotic groups
List type
Core (EML)
Additional notes
Do not administer with calcium and avoid in infants with hyperbilirubinaemia.
Parenteral > Locoregional injections > Intravitreal: 250 mg in vial powder for injection (as sodium salt) ; 500 mg in vial powder for injection (as sodium salt) ; 1 g in vial powder for injection (as sodium salt) ; 2 g in vial powder for injection (as sodium salt) (EML)
EML status history
First added in 2021 (TRS 1035)
Changed in 2023 (TRS 1049)
Also recommended for children
Age restriction
> 41 weeks corrected gestational age
Therapeutic alternatives
The recommendation is for this specific medicine
Patent information
Patents have expired in most jurisdictions
Expert Committee recommendation
In consideration of the review of the age appropriateness of formulations of medicines on the EMLc, and the comparison report of the EML versus EMLc, the Expert Committee recommended changes to the EMLc for addition of new, age-appropriate formulations and strengths of existing essential medicines, deletion of unavailable or age-inappropriate formulations and strengths, and other listing modifications as proposed in the application. The Committee also endorsed the proposals for further review of the public health relevance and evidence for specific medicines for use in children for potential future consideration for inclusion on the EMLc. The Committee noted and welcomed the ongoing review being coordinated by the Secretariat for the remaining sections of the EMLc for consideration by the 2025 Expert Committee. As a result of the review of the age-appropriateness of formulations on the EMLc, the Expert Committee recommended: - the addition of a new strength formulation of ceftriaxone (powder for injection: 500 mg (as sodium) in vial) to the EML and EMLc. - the addition of new strength formulations of IV vancomycin (500 mg, 1 g (as hydrochloride) on the EMLc.
EML recommendations: Endophthalmitis
First choice
Second choice
First choice
ceftazidime co-prescribed with vancomycin
ceftriaxone co-prescribed with vancomycin
Second choice