
Codes ATC: N02BE01
Pain Code ICD11: ML0Z
Type de médicament
Chemical agent
Type de liste
Liste de base (EML)
Additional notes
*Not recommended for anti-inflammatory use due to lack of proven benefit to that effect. **The presence of both 120 mg/5 mL and 125 mg/5 mL oral liquid strengths on the same market would cause confusion in prescribing and dispensing and should be avoided.
Oral > Liquid: 125 mg per 5 mL ; 120 mg per 5 mL ; 250 mg per 5 mL (EMLc)
Local > Rectal > Suppository: 100 mg ; 250 mg (EMLc)
Oral > Solid > dispersible tablet: 100 mg (EMLc) ; 250 mg (EMLc)
Oral > Solid > tablet: 250 mg ; 325 mg ; 500 mg
Historique des statuts LME
Ajouté pour la première fois en 1977 (TRS 615)
Modifié en 1979 (TRS 641)
Modifié en 1987 (TRS 770)
Modifié en 2007 (TRS 950)
Modifié en 2017 (TRS 1006)
Modifié en 2023 (TRS 1049)
Aussi recommandé pour les enfants
Équivalence thérapeutique
La recommandation concerne ce médicament spécifique
Renseignements sur le brevet
Patents have expired in most jurisdictions
Lire la suite sur les brevets.
Résumé des preuves et recommandation du comité d'experts
Following the review of the age-appropriateness of formulations on the EMLc, the Expert Committee recommended: - the deletion of the 100 mg tablet formulation from the EML and EMLc - strengths of paracetamol tablets should specified rather than given in a range - the addition of a 250 mg strength suppository formulation to the EMLc - the addition of paracetamol dispersible tablets (100 mg and 250 mg) to the EMLc - the addition of 250 mg/5mL strength oral liquid formulation to the EMLc - the addition of a note stating "the presence of both 120 mg/5 mL and 125mg/5mL oral liquid strengths on the same market would cause confusion in prescribing and dispensing and should be avoided"