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Model List of Essential Medicines

clear Found 6 recommendations for 6 medicines and 2 therapeutic equivalents
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22.6. Medicines administered to the neonate [c]
  1. Caffeine citrate General information
    Medicines administered to the neonate [c]
    • Parenteral > General injections > IV: 20 mg per mL (equivalent to 10 mg caffeine base per mL)
    • Oral > Liquid: 20 mg per mL (equivalent to 10 mg caffeine base per mL)
  2. Chlorhexidine General information
    Medicines administered to the neonate [c]
    • Local > Topical > Solution: 7.1% chlorhexidine digluconate (delivering 4% chlorhexidine)
    • Local > Topical > Gel: 7.1% chlorhexidine digluconate (delivering 4% chlorhexidine)
  3. Ibuprofen General information
    Medicines administered to the neonate [c]
    • Parenteral > General injections > IV: 5 mg per mL
  4. Indometacin General information
    Medicines administered to the neonate [c]
    Therapeutic equivalent to ibuprofen for Patent arterial duct
  5. Prostaglandin E1 General information
    Medicines administered to the neonate [c]
    • Parenteral > General injections > IV: 0.5 mg per mL in alcohol
  6. Prostaglandin E2 General information
    Medicines administered to the neonate [c]
    • Parenteral > General injections > IV: 1 mg per mL
  7. Surfactant General information
    Medicines administered to the neonate [c]
    • Respiratory > Suspension: 80 mg per mL for intratracheal instillation; 25 mg per mL for intratracheal instillation